Im Seelein 8, D-97332 Volkach

+49 (0) 9381 847 848 8

+49 (0) 160 97 77 1996

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Wir haben diese Datenschutzerklärung (Fassung 28.10.2020-321225860) verfasst, um Ihnen gemäß der Vorgaben der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (EU) 2016/679 zu erklären, welche Informationen wir sammeln, wie wir Daten verwenden und welche Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten Sie als Besucher dieser Webseite haben. Leider liegt es in der Natur der Sache, dass diese Erklärungen sehr technisch klingen, wir haben uns bei der Erstellung jedoch bemüht die wichtigsten Dinge so einfach und klar wie möglich zu beschreiben.

Automatische Datenspeicherung Wenn Sie heutzutage Webseiten besuchen, werden gewisse Informationen automatisch erstellt und gespeichert, so auch auf dieser Webseite. Wenn Sie unsere Webseite so wie jetzt gerade besuchen, speichert unser Webserver (Computer auf dem diese Webseite gespeichert ist) automatisch Daten wie • die Adresse (URL) der aufgerufenen Webseite • Browser und Browserversion • das verwendete Betriebssystem • die Adresse (URL) der zuvor besuchten Seite (Referrer URL) • den Hostname und die IP-Adresse des Geräts von welchem aus zugegriffen wird • Datum und Uhrzeit in Dateien (Webserver-Logfiles). In der Regel werden Webserver-Logfiles zwei Wochen gespeichert und danach automatisch gelöscht. Wir geben diese Daten nicht weiter, können jedoch nicht ausschließen, dass diese Daten beim Vorliegen von rechtswidrigem Verhalten eingesehen werden.

Speicherung persönlicher Daten Persönliche Daten, die Sie uns auf dieser Website elektronisch übermitteln, wie zum Beispiel Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Adresse oder andere persönlichen Angaben im Rahmen der Übermittlung eines Formulars oder Kommentaren im Blog, werden von uns gemeinsam mit dem Zeitpunkt und der IP-Adresse nur zum jeweils angegebenen Zweck verwendet, sicher verwahrt und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Wir nutzen Ihre persönlichen Daten somit nur für die Kommunikation mit jenen Besuchern, die Kontakt ausdrücklich wünschen und für die Abwicklung der auf dieser Webseite angebotenen Dienstleistungen und Produkte. Wir geben Ihre persönlichen Daten ohne Zustimmung nicht weiter, können jedoch nicht ausschließen, dass diese Daten beim Vorliegen von rechtswidrigem Verhalten eingesehen werden. Wenn Sie uns persönliche Daten per E-Mail schicken – somit abseits dieser Webseite – können wir keine sichere Übertragung und den Schutz Ihrer Daten garantieren. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, vertrauliche Daten niemals unverschlüsselt per E-Mail zu übermitteln. Die Rechtsgrundlage besteht nach Artikel 6  Absatz 1 a DSGVO (Rechtmäßigkeit der Verarbeitung) darin, dass Sie uns die Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung der von Ihnen eingegebenen Daten geben.

Sie können diesen Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen – eine formlose E-Mail reicht aus, Sie finden unsere Kontaktdaten im Impressum.

Ihnen stehen laut den Bestimmungen der DSGVO grundsätzlich die folgende Rechte zu: • Recht auf Berichtigung (Artikel 16 DSGVO) • Recht auf Löschung („Recht auf Vergessenwerden“) (Artikel 17 DSGVO) • Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Artikel 18 DSGVO) • Recht auf Benachrichtigung – Mitteilungspflicht im Zusammenhang mit der Berichtigung oder Löschung personenbezogener Daten oder der Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Artikel 19 DSGVO) • Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit (Artikel 20 DSGVO) • Widerspruchsrecht (Artikel 21 DSGVO)

Recht, nicht einer ausschließlich auf einer automatisierten Verarbeitung — einschließlich Profiling — beruhenden Entscheidung unterworfen zu werden (Artikel 22 DSGVO)

Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten gegen das Datenschutzrecht verstößt oder Ihre datenschutzrechtlichen Ansprüche sonst in einer Weise verletzt worden sind, können Sie sich an die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) wenden.

Auswertung des Besucherverhaltens

In der folgenden Datenschutzerklärung informieren wir Sie darüber, ob und wie wir Daten Ihres Besuchs dieser Website auswerten. Die Auswertung der gesammelten Daten erfolgt in der Regel anonym und wir können von Ihrem Verhalten auf dieser Website nicht auf Ihre Person schließen. Mehr über Möglichkeiten dieser Auswertung der Besuchsdaten zu widersprechen erfahren Sie in der folgenden Datenschutzerklärung.

Google Maps Datenschutzerklärung

Wir benützen auf unserer Website Google Maps der Firma Google Inc. Für den europäischen Raum ist das Unternehmen Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irland) für alle Google-Dienste verantwortlich. Mit Google Maps können wir Ihnen Standorte besser zeigen und damit unser Service an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen. Durch die Verwendung von Google Maps werden Daten an Google übertragen und auf den Google-Servern gespeichert. Hier wollen wir nun genauer darauf eingehen, was Google Maps ist, warum wir diesen Google-Dienst in Anspruch nehmen, welche Daten gespeichert werden und wie Sie dies unterbinden können.

Was ist Google Maps?

Google Maps ist ein Internet-Kartendienst der Firma Google. Mit Google Maps können Sie online über einen PC, ein Tablet oder eine App genaue Standorte von Städten, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Unterkünften oder Unternehmen suchen. Wenn Unternehmen auf Google My Business vertreten sind, werden neben dem Standort noch weitere Informationen über die Firma angezeigt. Um die Anfahrtsmöglichkeit anzuzeigen, können Kartenausschnitte eines Standorts mittels HTML-Code in eine Website eingebunden werden. Google Maps zeigt die Erdoberfläche als Straßenkarte oder als Luft- bzw. Satellitenbild. Dank der Street View Bilder und den hochwertigen Satellitenbildern sind sehr genaue Darstellungen möglich.

Warum verwenden wir Google Maps auf unserer Webseite?

All unsere Bemühungen auf dieser Seite verfolgen das Ziel, Ihnen eine nützliche und sinnvolle Zeit auf unserer Webseite zu bieten. Durch die Einbindung von Google Maps können wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Informationen zu diversen Standorten liefern. Sie sehen auf einen Blick wo wir unseren Firmensitz haben. Die Wegbeschreibung zeigt Ihnen immer den besten bzw. schnellsten Weg zu uns. Sie können den Anfahrtsweg für Routen mit dem Auto, mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad abrufen. Für uns ist die Bereitstellung von Google Maps Teil unseres Kundenservice.

Welche Daten werden von Google Maps gespeichert?

Damit Google Maps ihren Dienst vollständig anbieten kann, muss das Unternehmen Daten von Ihnen aufnehmen und speichern. Dazu zählen unter anderem die eingegebenen Suchbegriffe, Ihre IP-Adresse und auch die Breiten- bzw. Längenkoordinaten. Benutzen Sie die Routenplaner-Funktion wird auch die eingegebene Startadresse gespeichert. Diese Datenspeicherung passiert allerdings auf den Webseiten von Google Maps. Wir können Sie darüber nur informieren, aber keinen Einfluss nehmen. Da wir Google Maps in unsere Webseite eingebunden haben, setzt Google mindestens ein Cookie (Name: NID) in Ihrem Browser. Dieses Cookie speichert Daten über Ihr Userverhalten. Google nutzt diese Daten in erster Linie, um eigene Dienste zu optimieren und individuelle, personalisierte Werbung für Sie bereitzustellen. Folgendes Cookie wird aufgrund der Einbindung von Google Maps in Ihrem Browser gesetzt: Name: NID Wert: 188=h26c1Ktha7fCQTx8rXgLyATyITJ321225860-5 Verwendungszweck: NID wird von Google verwendet, um Werbeanzeigen an Ihre Google-Suche anzupassen. Mit Hilfe des Cookies „erinnert“ sich Google an Ihre am häufigsten eingegebenen Suchanfragen oder Ihre frühere Interaktion mit Anzeigen. So bekommen Sie immer maßgeschneiderte Werbeanzeigen. Das Cookie enthält eine einzigartige ID, die Google benutzt, um Ihre persönlichen Einstellungen für Werbezwecke zu sammeln. Ablaufdatum: nach 6 Monaten Anmerkung: Wir können bei den Angaben der gespeicherten Daten keine Vollständigkeit gewährleisten. Speziell bei der Verwendung von Cookies sind Veränderungen nie auszuschließen. Um das Cookie NID zu identifizieren, wurde eine eigene Testseite angelegt, wo ausschließlich Google Maps eingebunden war.

Wie lange und wo werden die Daten gespeichert?

Die Google-Server stehen in Rechenzentren auf der ganzen Welt. Die meisten Server befinden sich allerdings in Amerika. Aus diesem Grund werden Ihre Daten auch vermehrt in den USA gespeichert. Hier können Sie genau nachlesen wo sich die Google-Rechenzentren befinden: Die Daten verteilt Google auf verschiedenen Datenträgern. Dadurch sind die Daten schneller abrufbar und werden vor etwaigen Manipulationsversuchen besser geschützt. Jedes Rechenzentrum hat auch spezielle Notfallprogramme. Wenn es zum Beispiel Probleme bei der Google-Hardware gibt oder eine Naturkatastrophe die Server lahm legt, bleiben die Daten ziemlich sicher trotzdem geschützt. Manche Daten speichert Google für einen festgelegten Zeitraum. Bei anderen Daten bietet Google lediglich die Möglichkeit, diese manuell zu löschen. Weiters anonymisiert das Unternehmen auch Informationen (wie zum Beispiel Werbedaten) in Serverprotokollen, indem es einen Teil der IP-Adresse und Cookie-Informationen nach 9 bzw.18 Monaten löscht.

Wie kann ich meine Daten löschen bzw. die Datenspeicherung verhindern?

Mit der 2019 eingeführten automatischen Löschfunktion von Standort- und Aktivitätsdaten werden Informationen zur Standortbestimmung und Web-/App-Aktivität – abhängig von Ihrer Entscheidung – entweder 3 oder 18 Monate gespeichert und dann gelöscht. Zudem kann man diese Daten über das Google-Konto auch jederzeit manuell aus dem Verlauf löschen. Wenn Sie Ihre Standorterfassung vollständig verhindern wollen, müssen Sie im Google-Konto die Rubrik „Web- und App-Aktivität“ pausieren. Klicken Sie „Daten und Personalisierung“ und dann auf die Option „Aktivitätseinstellung“. Hier können Sie die Aktivitäten ein- oder ausschalten. In Ihrem Browser können Sie weiters auch einzelne Cookies deaktivieren, löschen oder verwalten. Je nach dem welchen Browser Sie verwenden, funktioniert dies immer etwas anders. Die folgenden Anleitungen zeigen, wie Sie Cookies in Ihrem Browser verwalten: Chrome: Cookies in Chrome löschen, aktivieren und verwalten Safari: Verwalten von Cookies und Websitedaten mit Safari Firefox: Cookies löschen, um Daten zu entfernen, die Websites auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt haben Internet Explorer: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies Microsoft Edge: Löschen und Verwalten von Cookies Falls Sie grundsätzlich keine Cookies haben wollen, können Sie Ihren Browser so einrichten, dass er Sie immer informiert, wenn ein Cookie gesetzt werden soll. So können Sie bei jedem einzelnen Cookie entscheiden, ob Sie es erlauben oder nicht. Google ist aktiver Teilnehmer beim EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, wodurch der korrekte und sichere Datentransfer persönlicher Daten geregelt wird. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie auf Wenn Sie mehr über die Datenverarbeitung von Google erfahren wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen die hauseigene Datenschutzerklärung des Unternehmens unter


Controller or controller responsible for the processing is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.


Processor is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.


Recipient is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as recipients; the processing of those data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the processing.


Third party is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data.


Consent of the data subject is any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.

Google Analytics Datenschutzerklärung

Wir verwenden auf unserer Website das Analyse-Tracking Tool Google Analytics (GA) des amerikanischen Unternehmens Google Inc. Für den europäischen Raum ist das Unternehmen Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irland) für alle Google-Dienste verantwortlich. Google Analytics sammelt Daten über Ihre Handlungen auf unserer Website. Wenn Sie beispielsweise einen Link anklicken, wird diese Aktion in einem Cookie gespeichert und an Google Analytics versandt. Mithilfe der Berichte, die wir von Google Analytics erhalten, können wir unsere Website und unser Service besser an Ihre Wünsche anpassen. Im Folgenden gehen wir näher auf das Tracking Tool ein und informieren Sie vor allem darüber, welche Daten gespeichert werden und wie Sie das verhindern können. Was ist Google Analytics? Google Analytics ist ein Trackingtool, das der Datenverkehrsanalyse unserer Website dient. Damit Google Analytics funktioniert, wird ein Tracking-Code in den Code unserer Website eingebaut. Wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen, zeichnet dieser Code verschiedene Handlungen auf, die Sie auf unserer Website ausführen. Sobald Sie unsere Website verlassen, werden diese Daten an die Google-Analytics-Server gesendet und dort gespeichert. Google verarbeitet die Daten und wir bekommen Berichte über Ihr Userverhalten. Dabei kann es sich unter anderem um folgende Berichte handeln: • Zielgruppenberichte: Über Zielgruppenberichte lernen wir unsere User besser kennen und wissen genauer, wer sich für unser Service interessiert. • Anzeigeberichte: Durch Anzeigeberichte können wir unsere Onlinewerbung leichter analysieren und verbessern. • Akquisitionsberichte: Akquisitionsberichte geben uns hilfreiche Informationen darüber, wie wir mehr Menschen für unser Service begeistern können. • Verhaltensberichte: Hier erfahren wir, wie Sie mit unserer Website interagieren. Wir können nachvollziehen welchen Weg Sie auf unserer Seite zurücklegen und welche Links Sie anklicken. • Conversionsberichte: Conversion nennt man einen Vorgang, bei dem Sie aufgrund einer Marketing-Botschaft eine gewünschte Handlung ausführen. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie von einem reinen Websitebesucher zu einem Käufer oder Newsletter-Abonnent werden. Mithilfe dieser Berichte erfahren wir mehr darüber, wie unsere Marketing-Maßnahmen bei Ihnen ankommen. So wollen wir unsere Conversionrate steigern. • Echtzeitberichte: Hier erfahren wir immer sofort, was gerade auf unserer Website passiert. Zum Beispiel sehen wir wie viele User gerade diesen Text lesen.

Im Seelein 8
97332 Volkach
Telefon +49 (0) 9381 847 848 8
E-Mail Adress
Sales tax ID-Nr. according to § 27 a VAT Tax Act: DE 363003892

Warum verwenden wir Google Analytics auf unserer Webseite?


The Internet pages of the LA POSTPRESS use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser.

Many Internet sites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a so-called cookie ID. A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a character string through which Internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific Internet browser in which the cookie was stored. This allows visited Internet sites and servers to differentiate the individual browser of the dats subject from other Internet browsers that contain other cookies. A specific Internet browser can be recognized and identified using the unique cookie ID.

Through the use of cookies, the LA POSTPRESS can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting.

By means of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimized with the user in mind. Cookies allow us, as previously mentioned, to recognize our website users. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to utilize our website. The website user that uses cookies, e.g. does not have to enter access data each time the website is accessed, because this is taken over by the website, and the cookie is thus stored on the user’s computer system.

Another example is the cookie of a shopping cart in an online shop. The online store remembers the articles that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart via a cookie.

The data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Furthermore, already set cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all popular Internet browsers. If the data subject deactivates the setting of cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable.


The website of the LA POSTPRESS collects a series of general data and information when a data subject or automated system calls up the website. This general data and information are stored in the server log files. Collected may be (1) the browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the accessing system, (3) the website from which an accessing system reaches our website (so-called referrers), (4) the sub-websites, (5) the date and time of access to the Internet site, (6) an Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system, and (8) any other similar data and information that may be used in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.

When using these general data and information, the LA POSTPRESS does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is needed to (1) deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) optimize the content of our website as well as its advertisement, (3) ensure the long-term viability of our information technology systems and website technology, and (4) provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in case of a cyber-attack. Therefore, the LA POSTPRESS analyzes anonymously collected data and information statistically, with the aim of increasing the data protection and data security of our enterprise, and to ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject.


The data subject has the possibility to register on the website of the controller with the indication of personal data. Which personal data are transmitted to the controller is determined by the respective input mask used for the registration. The personal data entered by the data subject are collected and stored exclusively for internal use by the controller, and for his own purposes. The controller may request transfer to one or more processors (e.g. a parcel service) that also uses personal data for an internal purpose which is attributable to the controller.

By registering on the website of the controller, the IP address—assigned by the Internet service provider (ISP) and used by the data subject—date, and time of the registration are also stored.

The storage of this data takes place against the background that this is the only way to prevent the misuse of our services, and, if necessary, to make it possible to investigate committed offenses. Insofar, the storage of this data is necessary to secure the controller. This data is not passed on to third parties unless there is a statutory obligation to pass on the data, or if the transfer serves the aim of criminal prosecution.

The registration of the data subject, with the voluntary indication of personal data, is intended to enable the controller to offer the data subject contents or services that may only be offered to registered users due to the nature of the matter in question. Registered persons are free to change the personal data specified during the registration at any time, or to have them completely deleted from the data stock of the controller.

The data controller shall, at any time, provide information upon request to each data subject as to what personal data are stored about the data subject. In addition, the data controller shall correct or erase personal data at the request or indication of the data subject, insofar as there are no statutory storage obligations. The entirety of the controller’s employees are available to the data subject in this respect as contact persons.


On the website of the LA POSTPRESS, users are given the opportunity to subscribe to our enterprise’s newsletter. The input mask used for this purpose determines what personal data are transmitted, as well as when the newsletter is ordered from the controller.

The LA POSTPRESS informs its customers and business partners regularly by means of a newsletter about enterprise offers. The enterprise’s newsletter may only be received by the data subject if (1) the data subject has a valid e-mail address and (2) the data subject registers for the newsletter shipping. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address registered by a data subject for the first time for newsletter shipping, for legal reasons, in the double opt-in procedure. This confirmation e-mail is used to prove whether the owner of the e-mail address as the data subject is authorized to receive the newsletter.

During the registration for the newsletter, we also store the IP address of the computer system assigned by the Internet service provider (ISP) and used by the data subject at the time of the registration, as well as the date and time of the registration. The collection of this data is necessary in order to understand the (possible) misuse of the e-mail address of a data subject at a later date, and it therefore serves the aim of the legal protection of the controller.

The personal data collected as part of a registration for the newsletter will only be used to send our newsletter. In addition, subscribers to the newsletter may be informed by e-mail, as long as this is necessary for the operation of the newsletter service or a registration in question, as this could be the case in the event of modifications to the newsletter offer, or in the event of a change in technical circumstances. There will be no transfer of personal data collected by the newsletter service to third parties. The subscription to our newsletter may be terminated by the data subject at any time. The consent to the storage of personal data, which the data subject has given for shipping the newsletter, may be revoked at any time. For the purpose of revocation of consent, a corresponding link is found in each newsletter. It is also possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time directly on the website of the controller, or to communicate this to the controller in a different way.


The newsletter of the LA POSTPRESS contains so-called tracking pixels. A tracking pixel is a miniature graphic embedded in such e-mails, which are sent in HTML format to enable log file recording and analysis. This allows a statistical analysis of the success or failure of online marketing campaigns. Based on the embedded tracking pixel, the LA POSTPRESS may see if and when an e-mail was opened by a data subject, and which links in the e-mail were called up by data subjects.

Such personal data collected in the tracking pixels contained in the newsletters are stored and analyzed by the controller in order to optimize the shipping of the newsletter, as well as to adapt the content of future newsletters even better to the interests of the data subject. These personal data will not be passed on to third parties. Data subjects are at any time entitled to revoke the respective separate declaration of consent issued by means of the double-opt-in procedure. After a revocation, these personal data will be deleted by the controller. The LA POSTPRESS automatically regards a withdrawal from the receipt of the newsletter as a revocation.


The website of the LA POSTPRESS contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.


The data controller shall process and store the personal data of the data subject only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage, or as far as this is granted by the European legislator or other legislators in laws or regulations to which the controller is subject to.

If the storage purpose is not applicable, or if a storage period prescribed by the European legislator or another competent legislator expires, the personal data are routinely blocked or erased in accordance with legal requirements.



Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed. If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of confirmation, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller free information about his or her personal data stored at any time and a copy of this information. Furthermore, the European directives and regulations grant the data subject access to the following information: o the purposes of the processing;

o the categories of personal data concerned;

o the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations; o where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; o the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data, or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or to object to such processing;

o the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; o where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;

o the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

Furthermore, the data subject shall have a right to obtain information as to whether personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. Where this is the case, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of access, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

If a data subject wishes to exercise this right to rectification, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay, and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies, as long as the processing is not necessary: o The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.

o The data subject withdraws consent to which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, and where there is no other legal ground for the processing.

o The data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(2) of the GDPR.

o The personal data have been unlawfully processed.

o The personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.

o The personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

If one of the aforementioned reasons applies, and a data subject wishes to request the erasure of personal data stored by the LA POSTPRESS, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller. An employee of LA POSTPRESS shall promptly ensure that the erasure request is complied with immediately.

Where the controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to Article 17(1) to erase the personal data, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data, as far as processing is not required. An employees of the LA POSTPRESS will arrange the necessary measures in individual cases.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies: o The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.

o The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use instead.

o The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

o The data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

If one of the aforementioned conditions is met, and a data subject wishes to request the restriction of the processing of personal data stored by the LA POSTPRESS, he or she may at any time contact any employee of the controller. The employee of the LA POSTPRESS will arrange the restriction of the processing.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator, to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which was provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. He or she shall have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided, as long as the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, and the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as the processing is not necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

Furthermore, in exercising his or her right to data portability pursuant to Article 20(1) of the GDPR, the data subject shall have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible and when doing so does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

In order to assert the right to data portability, the data subject may at any time contact any employee of the LA POSTPRESS.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time, to processing of personal data concerning him or her, which is based on point (e) or (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR. This also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

The LA POSTPRESS shall no longer process the personal data in the event of the objection, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

If the LA POSTPRESS processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing. This applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the LA POSTPRESS to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the LA POSTPRESS will no longer process the personal data for these purposes.

In addition, the data subject has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her by the LA POSTPRESS for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89(1) of the GDPR, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

In order to exercise the right to object, the data subject may contact any employee of the LA POSTPRESS. In addition, the data subject is free in the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, to use his or her right to object by automated means using technical specifications.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her, or similarly significantly affects him or her, as long as the decision (1) is not is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) is not authorised by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, or (3) is not based on the data subject’s explicit consent.

If the decision (1) is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) it is based on the data subject’s explicit consent, the LA POSTPRESS shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and contest the decision.

If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decisionmaking, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the LA POSTPRESS.


Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to withdraw his or her consent to processing of his or her personal data at any time.

If the data subject wishes to exercise the right to withdraw the consent, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the LA POSTPRESS.


In the case of contraventions to data protection, the party concerned has the right to complain to the supervisory authority reponsible. The supervisory authority repsonsible in questions related to data protection is the data protection commissioner of the state in which the company is based. A list of data protection commissioners, as well as their contact details, can be found through the following link: :


On this website, the controller has integrated components of the enterprise Facebook. Facebook is a social network.

A social network is a place for social meetings on the Internet, an online community, which usually allows users to communicate with each other and interact in a virtual space. A social network may serve as a platform for the exchange of opinions and experiences, or enable the Internet community to provide personal or business-related information. Facebook allows social network users to include the creation of private profiles, upload photos, and network through friend requests.

The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States. If a person lives outside of the United States or Canada, the controller is the Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet website, which is operated by the controller and into which a Facebook component (Facebook plug-ins) was integrated, the web browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download display of the corresponding Facebook component from Facebook through the Facebook component. An overview of all the Facebook Plug-ins may be accessed under During the course of this technical procedure, Facebook is made aware of what specific sub-site of our website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Facebook, Facebook detects with every callup to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site—which specific sub-site of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Facebook component and associated with the respective Facebook account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Facebook buttons integrated into our website, e.g. the “Like” button, or if the data subject submits a comment, then Facebook matches this information with the personal Facebook user account of the data subject and stores the personal data.

Facebook always receives, through the Facebook component, information about a visit to our website by the data subject, whenever the data subject is logged in at the same time on Facebook during the time of the call-up to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the data subject clicks on the Facebook component or not. If such a transmission of information to Facebook is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she may prevent this by logging off from their Facebook account before a call-up to our website is made.

The data protection guideline published by Facebook, which is available at, provides information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by Facebook. In addition, it is explained there what setting options Facebook offers to protect the privacy of the data subject. In addition, different configuration options are made available to allow the elimination of data transmission to Facebook. These applications may be used by the data subject to eliminate a data transmission to Facebook.


This site uses Google Maps through an API. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

In order to use the Google Maps function, it is necessary to save your IP address. This information is generally communicated to a Google server in the US and recorded there. The provider of this website has no influence over this transfer of data.

The use of Google web fonts happens in the interest of an effective presentation of our online offers and enables users to find locations on our website. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

More information regarding the use of user data can be found in Google’s data protection policy under


This site can be used for a standard presentation of fonts (so-called web fonts) which are made available by Google. When visiting a site, your browser loads the necessary web fonts in your browser cache in order to show texts and fonts correctly.

For this purpose your browser establishes contact with Google’s server. Through this, Google discovers that our website has been called up using your IP address. The use of Google web fonts happens in the interest of a unified and effective presentation of our online offers. This constitutes a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

If your browser does not support web fonts, your computer will use a standard font. Further information regarding Google web fonts can be found under and in the data protection policy of Google:


On this website, the controller has integrated the Google+ button as a component. Google+ is a so-called social network. A social network is a social meeting place on the Internet, an online community, which usually allows users to communicate with each other and interact in a virtual space. A social network may serve as a platform for the exchange of opinions and experiences, or enable the Internet community to provide personal or business-related information. Google+ allows users of the social network to include the creation of private profiles, upload photos and network through friend requests.

The operating company of Google+ is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this website, which is operated by the controller and on which a Google+ button has been integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject automatically downloads a display of the corresponding Google+ button of Google through the respective Google+ button component.

During the course of this technical procedure, Google is made aware of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject. More detailed information about Google+ is available under

If the data subject is logged in at the same time to Google+, Google recognizes with each call-up to our website by the data subject and for the entire duration of his or her stay on our Internet site, which specific sub-pages of our Internet page were visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Google+ button and Google matches this with the respective Google+ account associated with the data subject.

If the data subject clicks on the Google+ button integrated on our website and thus gives a Google+ 1 recommendation, then Google assigns this information to the personal Google+ user account of the data subject and stores the personal data. Google stores the Google+ 1 recommendation of the data subject, making it publicly available in accordance with the terms and conditions accepted by the data subject in this regard. Subsequently, a Google+ 1 recommendation given by the data subject on this website together with other personal data, such as the Google+ account name used by the data subject and the stored photo, is stored and processed on other Google services, such as search-engine results of the Google search engine, the Google account of the data subject or in other places, e.g. on Internet pages, or in relation to advertisements. Google is also able to link the visit to this website with other personal data stored on Google. Google further records this personal information with the purpose of improving or optimizing the various Google services.

Through the Google+ button, Google receives information that the data subject visited our website, if the data subject at the time of the call-up to our website is logged in to Google+. This occurs regardless of whether the data subject clicks or doesn’t click on the Google+ button.

If the data subject does not wish to transmit personal data to Google, he or she may prevent such transmission by logging out of his Google+ account before calling up our website.

Further information and the data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under More references from Google about the Google+ 1 button may be obtained under


The controller has integrated components of the LinkedIn Corporation on this website. LinkedIn is a web-based social network that enables users with existing business contacts to connect and to make new business contacts. Over 400 million registered people in more than 200 countries use LinkedIn. Thus, LinkedIn is currently the largest platform for business contacts and one of the most visited websites in the world.

The operating company of LinkedIn is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043, UNITED STATES. For privacy matters outside of the UNITED STATES LinkedIn Ireland, Privacy Policy Issues, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland, is responsible.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a LinkedIn component (LinkedIn plug-in) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to the download of a display of the corresponding LinkedIn component of LinkedIn. Further information about the LinkedIn plug-in may be accessed under During the course of this technical procedure, LinkedIn gains knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in at the same time on LinkedIn, LinkedIn detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site—which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the LinkedIn component and associated with the respective LinkedIn account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the LinkedIn buttons integrated on our website, then LinkedIn assigns this information to the personal LinkedIn user account of the data subject and stores the personal data.

LinkedIn receives information via the LinkedIn component that the data subject has visited our website, provided that the data subject is logged in at LinkedIn at the time of the call-up to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the LinkedIn button or not. If such a transmission of information to LinkedIn is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she may prevent this by logging off from their LinkedIn account before a call-up to our website is made.

LinkedIn provides under the possibility to unsubscribe from e-mail messages, SMS messages and targeted ads, as well as the ability to manage ad settings. LinkedIn also uses affiliates such as Eire, Google Analytics, BlueKai, DoubleClick, Nielsen, Comscore, Eloqua, and Lotame. The setting of such cookies may be denied under The applicable privacy policy for LinkedIn is available under The LinkedIn Cookie Policy is available under


On this website, the controller has integrated components of XING. XING is an Internet-based social network that enables users to connect with existing business contacts and to create new business contacts. The individual users can create a personal profile of themselves at XING.

Companies may, e.g. create company profiles or publish jobs on XING.

The operating company of XING is XING SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a XING component (XING plug-in) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding XING component of XING. Further information about the XING plug-in the may be accessed under During the course of this technical procedure, XING gains knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in at the same time on XING, XING detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site— which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the XING component and associated with the respective XING account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on the XING button integrated on our Internet site, e.g.

the “Share”-button, then XING assigns this information to the personal XING user account of the data subject and stores the personal data.

XING receives information via the XING component that the data subject has visited our website, provided that the data subject is logged in at XING at the time of the call to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the XING component or not. If such a transmission of information to XING is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she can prevent this by logging off from their XING account before a call-up to our website is made.

The data protection provisions published by XING, which is available under, provide information on the collection, processing and use of personal data by XING. In addition, XING has published privacy notices for the XING share button under


On this website, the controller has integrated components of YouTube. YouTube is an Internet video portal that enables video publishers to set video clips and other users free of charge, which also provides free viewing, review and commenting on them. YouTube allows you to publish all kinds of videos, so you can access both full movies and TV broadcasts, as well as music videos, trailers, and videos made by users via the Internet portal.

The operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, UNITED STATES. The YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a YouTube component (YouTube video) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding YouTube component. Further information about YouTube may be obtained under During the course of this technical procedure, YouTube and Google gain knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in on YouTube, YouTube recognizes with each call-up to a sub-page that contains a YouTube video, which specific sub-page of our Internet site was visited by the data subject. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to the respective YouTube account of the data subject.

YouTube and Google will receive information through the YouTube component that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject at the time of the call to our website is logged in on YouTube; this occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on a YouTube video or not. If such a transmission of this information to YouTube and Google is not desirable for the data subject, the delivery may be prevented if the data subject logs off from their own YouTube account before a call-up to our website is made.

YouTube’s data protection provisions, available at, provide information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.


Art. 6(1) lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing operations for which we obtain consent for a specific processing purpose. If the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, as is the case, for example, when processing operations are necessary for the supply of goods or to provide any other service, the processing is based on Article 6(1) lit. b GDPR. The same applies to such processing operations which are necessary for carrying out pre-contractual measures, for example in the case of inquiries concerning our products or services. Is our company subject to a legal obligation by which processing of personal data is required, such as for the fulfillment of tax obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6(1) lit. c GDPR. In rare cases, the processing of personal data may be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person. This would be the case, for example, if a visitor were injured in our company and his name, age, health insurance data or other vital information would have to be passed on to a doctor, hospital or other third party. Then the processing would be based on Art. 6(1) lit. d GDPR. Finally, processing operations could be based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR. This legal basis is used for processing operations which are not covered by any of the abovementioned legal grounds, if processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data. Such processing operations are particularly permissible because they have been specifically mentioned by the European legislator. He considered that a legitimate interest could be assumed if the data subject is a client of the controller (Recital 47 Sentence 2 GDPR).


Where the processing of personal data is based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR our legitimate interest is to carry out our business in favor of the well-being of all our employees and the shareholders.


The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract.


We clarify that the provision of personal data is partly required by law (e.g. tax regulations) or can also result from contractual provisions (e.g. information on the contractual partner).

Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude a contract that the data subject provides us with personal data, which must subsequently be processed by us. The data subject is, for example, obliged to provide us with personal data when our company signs a contract with him or her.

The non-provision of the personal data would have the consequence that the contract with the data subject could not be concluded. Before personal data is provided by the data subject, the data subject must contact any employee. The employee clarifies to the data subject whether the provision of the personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation to provide the personal data and the consequences of non-provision of the personal data.


As a responsible company, we do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.


We reserve the right to adjust this privacy policy so that it remains in accordance with current legal requirements or to adapt our services in the data protection policy for example when introducing new services. On your subsequent visit the new data protection policy will become valid.

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